Monday, February 25, 2008

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow!

I uploaded an image! Ha! Take that Charles. hahahaha
Well it's the day before we head off. It's so exciting. I'm using all of my emotions at once. Thanks to everyone for all of your encouragement and gifts and prayers, all of which we'll take with us. I now have many new hats and funky sunglasses thanks to the mini shower. It's great to have a shower and not have to be pregnant. Judy insists that I upload the picture with me in the goofy glasses, hmmm I'll think about it.
Our clothes are packed, but now I'm piling the fun stuff, my paints and sketch pads and books. Charles... it's not really that big a pile, honey.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Lest we forget...

If you live here, you know that the Ottawa region is now very close to a record snow fall this year, so we thought we'd better post a picture before we leave. This way, when we get tired of 30 degree weather, we can remember the alternative. Also we want to show new friends in Costa Rica that we are not making this up!