Friday, November 25, 2011

Dianne gets the computer first

They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Jerry Samuels

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result.

I climb into the shower and turn on the hot water tap hoping that hot water will come out one of these days. Today is not that day.

Then as I walk out the door I get a brilliant idea (the grinch got and wonderful, awful idea) Maybe the hot water isn’t turned on. I can see where the pipes go into the next cabina and they are both turned on, so maybe someone forgot to turn ours on. I wander around to the side of our cabina to where the water pipes come in and tada!!!!! There’s only one pipe and it ain’t hot! Now you have to ask why, people, why would you install a hot water knob if you don’t have hot water? It’s kinda like the little flag in the hole of a golf course a million miles down the fairway. It’s there to give you false hope. Lol

Ok so there I am tracing pipes and wondering these deep thoughts when I look down and what do I see? A chicken egg. Had some poor chicken layed an egg against the pipe hoping the heat from the hot water would hatch her egg? Bad news chicky! Your egg’s in the fridge!

Then I got to wondering about all of the free range chickens and horses and dogs and... well everything. Yesterday a dog was chasing a chicken off of the computer center’s front lawn. The computer center owns neither dog nor chicken so it amused me. A horse was wandering through having a nibble of grass here and a nibble there. How do people know whose critter is whose? Do these eggs that are laid willy nilly all over the place hatch on their own in this heat? Who takes care of the baby chickies if they do hatch?

All of this talk about orphaned chickens is making me hungry. I think I’ll go and get an omelet con quesso.

Charlie Writes:

Cell phones are a poor addition to Central America. Sure, the wired infrastructure is lacking and cell phones can be quickly deployed with a couple towers, which makes wait times to get a phone much shorter, but when everybody is wandering about gesturing and talking to themselves, how do you tell the people chatting to their friends, from those chatting with invisible demons, or just themselves?

Things were disconcerting enough when you could guess who to avoid… Still, every six year old seems to have one, and it’s interesting to see bursts of technology progress in some areas, with no progress at all in other areas. For example, while Dianne is missing her hot water, I am missing P-traps and S-traps that keep evil odors in the sewage system where they belong.

A clothes dryer would be nice too, although I hear there might now be one in town – somewhere. Maybe we’ll find it next trip.

Still, these things are really not that inconvenient, and I am really enjoying the positive occurrences. For example, people remembering me from the last trip when I kept a pretty low profile. And seeing some of the kids - older, but still interested in computers.

For example, if you dig through this blog, you’ll find a 2008 picture of me with a couple small boys looking at an OLPC. (laptop)

You will also find a few entries concerning Ernie (Air-nay!). Well time passes, and here we are today:

He's a little taller.

His mother says he is still in school, and doing well, and he still comes often to the computer center.

Two more pictures for you today…

In Canada there is no overnight parking on streets because of snow removal. Here, it’s because of rapid plant growth.

O.K. I’m kidding. But this vehicle actually arrived here during our last stay, near the beginning of March, 2008. Clearly it never moved again, and is becoming part of the landscape.

It is parked outside the police station.

Finally, this is looking pretty good as a retirement home…

Ocean behind, deck for kicking back... hmmm, wonder if I can cash in my plane ticket? Oh rats - I'm travelling on points!

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